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I was 16 and a Member of the Counter Strike Alpha Team, Justin 'N01thing' Delong (17) My Idol, Mentor and Best Friend.
I worked all summer break (3mo) to make the FIRST DE_(Destruction) level, DE_DAM.
My hard drive and mentor both passed away nearly the same day.
Instead of rebuilding during school, I went to school. I learned networking and compute, and I did a 20 year life in that industry, except for software engineering.
The Destruction Challenge of my past, must be met.
1. Movement Projections
Parallelization of Moving Objects
2. Super Hero Tear Up
Full Destruction Fighter
3. Roadless The Game
Full Destruction Survival
Parallelization / Grouped Movement of non-Impacted Simulating objects for massive on-screen replicated movement.
All Simulating Physics require calculation. That limits us to a set amount of movement on the screen at one time, due to hardware limits.
I created a system to categorize similarly-moving actors (GREEN) and batch group (PINK) movement to a single projected-call to a future impact, manage the conversion, pooling, and distributed of frame checking to do so.
100% Blueprints, Nanite & Lumen. Example is of Grouped Falling Objects.
By removing calculation for free falling objects, and pooling a set number of actors for simulation, we can control frame-rate and skip simulations based on load. Allowing massive movement not(?) seen before, with on-demand interactions.
This method is easily traced and referenced against.
Using Physics with Movement Projections system to Destroy the Matrix City in real-time, 1-8+ player destruction. UE5/Nanite/Lumen
Prior Super Hero FIGHTER Video games do Not provide Full Destruction and Multiplayer.
Fly through buildings, never let the fight be stopped.
Using Movement-Projections for large crowds and to convert to AI/NPC on radius to players. With flip-book Baked out Animations to Nanite Static Meshes, and Spliced up T-Poses Nanite meshes attached to skeletal sockets, we obtain for a fully Nanite presentation.
Twitter @RoadlessTheGame : End of the World Apocalypse Escape First Person Survival Procedural Generated Player Made Worlds.
The World is ever Changing, bringing players together by removing quadrants of landscape (sand) which are not occupied and spawning in new points of interest from above and below.
Action is always near,
dead space fades away.
Earth is eaten and distributed across the Event Horizon in chunks by the wormhole created when a Fusion Power Plant pushed too far in generating Crypto 'currency.'
You start on that Earth.
The Horizon changes, sand moves, chunks of plants land and crush things, break apart and fall through the sand into the black hole.
(Multiplayer World)
Enter a Multiplayer World (<100) on the Dune Desert Wasteland of the Final Event Horizon orbiting the only Black Hole. Piece of the world are mixed and matched runtime replicated.
AI and Players spawn in the world after the same things, loot. AI will break down doors, break boxes and steal loot.
Players can hide, fight, Build and ambush. All a day in the life.
Players experience the destruction of earth, and the distribution across the MadMax planes of the Event Horizon, as NPC and other players wait to loot the spoils. Survival.
+Vehicle/Base/POI/Character/Equipment Customization
The world of the Event Horizon Plane, this shows the general idea of destroyed buildings across the entire plane, which larger chunks would rain from above.
We have planned out a single player story and world to tell the destruction of the world first hand by the engineers that controlled it.
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